
Check Websites

Do you hate it that you are the last one who gets important information which are published on websites (I do :-) ) ? The program checkWebsites (version 0.4) can perhaps help you. It is started frequently with "crontab" and saves websites with "wget" to your local directory. Then it runs a "diff" over the old and new version of the website. If the webpage changed the programm sends you the "diff" output modified with "ediff" per email.


The png2djvu (version 0.2) script convertes several png files to a single djvu file.

# all pages of the lecture scanned in with xsane (which does the filename numering automatic)
user@computer:~$ ls -s lecture*.png  
88K page0001.png  96K page0003.png
84K page0002.png  48K page0004.png

# convert all pages to a single djvu file
user@computer:~$ perl djvuPs lecture *.png

user@computer:~$ ls -s lecture.*
76K lecture.djvu  872K

# view djvu file
user@computer:~$ djview lecture.djvu

Create Calendar

This latexCalendar (version 0.1) script creates a calendar. Each week can be given a periodic label. This perl script creates a latexfile which can be converted with pdflatex to a pdf file.

user@computer:~$ perl 2003 2005 de DE-BW outputfile.tex
user@computer:~$ pdflatex outputfile.tex
user@computer:~$ xpdf outputfile.pdf

Mail script

The little script deleteDuplicateFromMbox (version 0.1) uses formail to delete mail duplicates in mbox files and unnecessary (depends on the point of view) mail headers.

user@computer:~/mail$ ls -s *.mbox
2,1M debian-news.mbox
5,0M debian-user.mbox 

user@computer:~/mail$ perl *.mbox

user@computer:~/mail$ ls -s *.mbox
1,5M debian-news.mbox
3,5M debian-user.mbox

